Will You Give Me The Names Of Your Former Students?


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Read Transcript for “Will You Give Me The Names Of Your Former Students”


“Will you give me some names of your former students who I can talk to about your program?”

Joe: The answer is no – I don’t do that to my students. What I do do with many of them is ask them to make a recording. Take a video camera to the buying events and sometimes I’ll have someone interview them for me and ask them, ‘How did things go? Did you make any money? How long did it take? How much money did you make?’ I have them go through that process, and I’ve got 60 or 70 of these videos on my website. You can just go and check out my website. You can go to my blog as well. There’s a ton of my students that have done that for me.

Joe: For those of you have done these videos for me, I want to tell you how much I appreciate it, how much business it’s gotten me because you’ve given me those videos and what its mean to me personally to hear your stories and hear your success through that process.

Joe: It’s also a valuable thing for everybody to listen to because they get a realistic look at what it takes to make money. They say, ‘Yes, I made money but it took me two months and then I had to do this and I had to do that. This is how much I made’. You get to hear different stories about how long it took. Some people did it very quickly. Some people took many months before they did it, or they didn’t do it at all and then they came back later and then they tried it again and then they did do it. So, everybody’s got a different story and it’s kind of interesting to look at those.

Joe: Also, you can see people from different cities around the country, i.e. Canada and places like that that you can get their story about their specific place.

Joe: But don’t think that just because they’re in a specific area that your experience is going to be the same as theirs. It may be better or worse. And usually, your experience is dependent on your ability, not on your location. Because the way we set this up is you can do these deals remotely if you choose to. Which means that you can work in any city that you want, so even though you’re from a specific city, it doesn’t mean you’re actually working there, and if you are working there, it doesn’t mean you have to stay there. And if you want to build your business after you’ve saturated that market personally, then you can move into a different area and a different area and a different area, and you can scale this business as big as you want.

Joe: So take a look at what these people have to say because I think it’ll give you a pretty good understanding of what’s possible, not just in that specific city but wherever you go.

Joe: Hopefully, that’ll be enough to give you some confidence that maybe I know what I’m talking about and maybe the program that I’m offering is actually a valid, solid training program for entrepreneurs. Alright, I hope that helps. Thanks.

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