A Match Struck Unexpectedly In The Dark


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A match struck unexpectedly in the dark.

I believe we create our own life. Not necessarily our circumstances (though we certainly can have an impact on it), by how we imagine our life, the way we perceive the world, the meaning we give to it.
My life and my business (which has been so integral to that life) has taught me many things over the years.
Virginia Woolf said:
“The great revelation perhaps never did come. Instead, there were little daily miracles, illuminations, matches struck unexpectedly in the dark.”

This describes my life – “matches struck unexpectedly in the dark.”
Revelations, miracles, openings, light bulbs coming on – whatever you want to call it. Life has been one match struck after the other.
They stay alight for a while and dim again until the next one comes along to blind me.
I seek them out.
It’s an amazing life.
I spend an afternoon every other week with my mentor students. It’s a small group and we mostly talk about real estate deals and how to build an effective system and a portfolio of properties that will feed us for the rest of our lives. It’s a lot of fun.

But despite the fact that none of us are scholars, we also talk about philosophy, ethics, intention and what success actually looks like.
One of the things that is most gratifying about this group is when someone on the call has an “Ah ha” moment. One person will say something and you can see it in the listener… a light bulb comes on, the match is struck in the dark.
These moments can be life changing. They stick with you a long time and, if you let them, can cause the ground beneath you to shift – sometimes immediately, sometimes over time.

One match in the dark can transform your entire life and way of thinking.
When you change the way you think, your life changes and your fear dissipates and it opens the door to success.
My goal for my group is to help them reduce their fear and increase their intention. I want them to learn, not just how to build wealth, but how to build themselves, from where ever they start, to where ever they want to go.
There’s an old story – I don’t know where I first heard it – it goes like this:
A man sits paralyzed in a dark room.

He is terrified because, in the gloom, on the chair in front of him, is a deadly, venomous snake.
It is poised to strike.
He can’t move. He can’t get up. He can’t take action.
Then, someone comes into the room and turns on the light.
The light reveals the snake as just a piece of rope.
The man’s fear of the snake evaporates, never to return.
That is what it’s like to have a revelation, an epiphany, an unexpected match in the dark.

Suddenly, your fear goes away and you can move again. You can take action. You can impact your life and the lives of others in ways you could not have before.
My hope for you, is that you seek out these lights in your life – that you engineer ways to have them happen to you on a regular basis. That you stop living in fear. That you surround yourself with people who are trying to do the same in their lives.
If that interests you, maybe you should look at my mentor program and join my group.
If you want to work with me personally (not a hired hand), you can find out all about my Six Month Mentor program here:

This website will show you how my program works, what is included, what it costs, what you can expect from me and what I expect from you if you sign up.
There are 3 training videos on the site that go into great detail about what you need to do to build a profitable real estate investing business.
They add up to about 2 hours of education. I call them my “Advanced Training” because that is exactly what they are. If you know nothing about real estate, they may be a bit over your head.

The techniques I teach in these videos come from my personal experience and you won’t find this information anywhere else.
If you aren’t interested in working with me personally or can’t afford to join my mentor program, these 3 videos will still be worth your while.
They will give you an overview of my entire business and show you how to model YOUR business after the step-by-step systems I’ve created.

Even if you ultimately decide not to join my mentor program, I can safely say this Advanced Training Program can completely transform your thinking about building a real estate investing business.
I think these ‘Advanced Training’ videos are one of the best training programs I’ve ever created – and they won’t cost you a dime.
They distill my 35 years as an investor and 20+ years as a coach and give you a complete outline of how we build a powerful, profitable, consistent, reliable, ethical, PEACEFUL business.

They give you the milestones, benchmarks, and SOPs (standard operating procedures) you need to succeed.
That’s it for today!
Good deals are not that hard to find if you have the skill to craft an offer that MAKES SENSE.

I hope you will join me.
Seek out the unexpected match in the dark.
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I put out a lot of free information there that you can’t find anywhere else.

Bonus: 6 Month Mentor Program

Be Mentored by a Master Investor

Joe Crump’s 6 Month, Hands On, Personal Mentor Program