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Read Transcript for “Is What You Teach Legal And Do I Need A License?”
I’m going to explain how you can use the system I teach to invest in real estate ethically and honorably, even if you’re not a realtor.
“Is what you teach legal and do I need a license?
Joe: Yes, it is legal. I’ve been doing it for almost 20 years now, and nobody’s put me in jail for it or sued me for it or had problems for it, so it is a legal way to do business and I make sure that everything we do stays above board. I have no reason to ever want to break the law. I want to do things ethically honorably and legally, so I’ve gone through extensive reviews of my contracts and methods by attorneys and they’ve told me, ‘Yes, what you’re doing makes sense. It is legal and there are no problems with those things.’
Joe: You do not need a license when you act as a principle in a transaction. When you act as a representative for someone else, you do need a license. What we’re doing is acting as principles in the transaction on everything that we do.
Joe: Now, if you have a license, there are a lot of things that I teach in the marketing that bring buyers and sellers to your door that would make you a lot of money as a real estate agent, and you could supplement your real estate income with real estate agent commissions, so that’s great if you have a license already.
Joe: If you don’t have a license already, I wouldn’t suggest going out and getting one. I think it’s too much effort and money to make that happen when what you should be focusing on are the things that make you money. The things that make you money are, at least at the beginning, making offers on deals and getting sellers to accept your offers. Once you have those, then you have to find buyers for the deals.
Joe: Once you get that happening and understand how to do that on a deeper level, then you start using the things that I teach to systematize that process so that you can do it over and over again. Then, you can get help doing this and automate the process to make it easier.
Joe: So, yes it is legal, and no, you don’t need a license, although a license could be helpful if you already have one. Thanks a lot.